Fission : Serverless Functions for Kubernetes

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Fission is a fast serverless framework for Kubernetes with a focus on developer productivity and high performance.

Fission operates on just the code: Docker and Kubernetes are abstracted away under normal operation, though you can use both to extend Fission if you want to.

Fission is extensible to any language; the core is written in Go, and language-specific parts are isolated in something called environments (more below). Fission currently supports NodeJS, Python, Ruby, Go, PHP, Bash, and any Linux executable, with more languages coming soon.

Concept of Fission architecture

  • Functions
  • Environments
  • Triggers

So as a developer, you only have to worry about writing the function based on event it is supposed to be invoked by trigger and modify/create the environment that has all softwares needed to build and run your Fission function.

Let’s talk about the latest feature released by Fission which allows to change security context.

Why? [why to introduce this feature ?]

Container were running as root user by default. This led to function run as root user. In need to operate fission without root, user manually updated through environment configuration by marking the pod as runAsNonRoot, runAsUser and runAsGroup. Since fission is all about increasing developer productivity, Fission team has added this feature in the default helm chart as good security practice in version v1.17.

What? [what happened before and after release ?]

Before release :


whoami returns that container is launched with root user as default in pod buildermgr-5988846597-5jbzz. In Linux environment, # denotes system administrator which is root login.

After release :


whoami returns uid 10001 which is user uid for container running as builder manager component. After the upgrade, old pod is replaced with new pod. Since now the container in pod is launched as non root user, the functions can be run as a non-root user. In Linux environment, $ denotes non-root or normal user login.

How? [How to upgrade to use this feature ?]

Prerequisites :

  • Kubernetes CLI [ Eg : kubectl ]
  • Kubernetes Cluster [ Eg : minikube ]
  • Helm
  • Fission

Please visit Fission installation guide to validate fission and it’s prerequisites are installed.

Expected Changes : There are two ways to do this as shown below

Method 1. If you want complete Fission architecture to work as non-root user all the following component values have to be set true.

    executor.securityContext.enabled: true
    router.securityContext.enabled: true
    buildermgr.securityContext.enabled: true
    controller.securityContext.enabled: true
    kubewatcher.securityContext.enabled: true
    storagesvc.securityContext.enabled: true

Recommended security context for builder and function pods :

    runtimePodSpec.enabled: true
    builderPodSpec.enabled: true

Example :

For each component, Fission maintains a pod. Let’s check if all the pods of Fission are Active.


Let’s connect to a pod and check user with which container is running :

    sonalis@cere:~/pyshorturl/docs [main] $ kubectl exec -it controller-5d949b66-bbqbd -n fission -- /bin/sh
    / # whoami

To make the changes, if you have a pre-existing values.yml available, update the same or download one from fission-charts using :

    wget -O values.yaml

Note : user supplied values.yaml file has priority over parent chart’s values.yaml. Here parent chart’s is fission default values.yaml where security context is set to false.

Edit values.yaml :

values.yaml controller component

Update the enabled field here as shown below

    enabled: true

Make the changes for all components : contorller, executor, router, buildermgr, kubewatcher and storagesvc. Similarly for builder and function pod.



Fission pods run in a namespace. namespace help in providing isolation to the pod or set of pods. In order to apply the changes we will need name of the namespace in which Fission pods are running. Let’s check it’s name.

    $ kubectl get namespace
    NAME               STATUS   AGE
    default            Active   29h
    fission            Active   81s
    fission-builder    Active   42s
    fission-function   Active   42s
    kube-node-lease    Active   29h
    kube-public        Active   29h
    kube-system        Active   29h

The namespace for Fission is fission.

Let’s use helm to re-launch Fission with latest changes. helm is a package manager for Kubernetes.

    helm upgrade --namespace fission fission fission-charts/fission-all -f values.yaml

If you are doing a fresh install of fission, you can make use of install instead of upgrade.

Above command may take 5-10 seconds to return you success.

Let’s check if all the pods of Fission are re-launced successfully :


Here we can see that the name of the pods have changed if we compare from our previous snapshot. Let us login in one of it and check user logged in.

    sonalis@cere:~/pyshorturl/docs [main] $ kubectl exec -it controller-5b4b9cfcdb-tjtb6 -n fission -- /bin/sh
    / $ whoami
    whoami: unknown uid 10001
    / $ date
    Sat Oct 15 16:04:30 UTC 2022

The values.yaml file defines the uid that will be used for login as non-root user.

    runAsNonRoot: true
    fsGroup: 10001
    runAsUser: 10001
    runAsGroup: 10001

Method 2. If you are sure which component you want to run as root and which not, you can also pass that as cli option using --set while upgrading fission using helm as shown below.

Please note : --set has priority over user supplied values.yaml file.

    helm upgrade --namespace $FISSION_NAMESPACE fission fission-charts/fission-all --set buildermgr.securityContext.enabled=true

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Happy reading!